
Advance Health Care Directive In Times of Crisis


In times of crisis it is important to remember what truly matters- your health is the most valuable asset worth protecting. In a pinch, you can draft your own Advance Health Care Directive using the State of California’s Statutory form found by clicking here.

Either notary (you can use a mobile one) or two witnesses (one who is not related to you) will need to sign this form. Maintaining social distancing can still be had with the execution of this document!

Once you have fully signed and executed this document, it is recommended to keep the form in a public place such as on your fridge or a place where emergency personnel can easily locate the document.

One option in California is that you can upload your Advance Health Care Directive to an online database so doctors can find it. More information is found by clicking here. Keep in mind that you may wish to later change this document so you would have to upload later versions. For this reason, it may not be where you ultimately decide to store your Advance Health Care Directive.

Stay healthy, and if you require any additional documents or assistance, we are always here to help.


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