
Trust & Estate (Probate) Litigation

Most trusts and estates are handled without any conflict. There are times, however, when the person in charge does not administer the estate or trust appropriately, which can cause frustration and delays. These cases often enter litigation, and representation is needed to protect the person in charge or to protect the beneficiary. The TEAL team approach at TLD Law has been designed to handle litigation as quickly and efficiently as possible. Some of these areas are:
  • Prosecution or Defense of a Trust Contest
  • Heggstad Petitions to Transfer Assets into a Trust that Were Unintentionally Left Out
  • Financial or Physical Elder Abuse Claims and Restraining Orders
  • Litigation to Return Property Wrongfully Taken From or By a Trust or Estate (“850 Petition”)
  • Objections or Defense of Trust Fiduciary Accounting
  • No Contest Clause Litigation
TLD Law handles many types of trust and estate lawsuits including elder abuse claims, trust challenges, and fiduciary accounting matters. Our experience in routine drafting and trust administration results in our litigation attorneys being especially skillful and knowledgeable in trust litigation scenarios. We offer creative solutions and aggressive handling of trusts and estate matters being litigated in the Southern Californian courts, and appear routinely in probate courts in Los Angeles, Orange, San Bernardino, Riverside, and San Diego Counties.
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